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Pavilions of the World of Hunting Nature Exhibition

The central event at HUNGEXPO will be accommodated in eight pavilions. Here you can easily find out about the theme in each one.



The central event at HUNGEXPO will be accommodated in eight pavilions. Here you can easily find out about the theme in each one.

HUNGEXPO will be accommodated in eight pavilions (Picture: One with Nature)

Pavilion A: An exhibition space for our foreign guests where countries and organisations accepting Hungary’s invitation will be able to present themselves at their own stands. Here we can tour the world on foot!

Pavilions B and E: Events in these pavilions will change several times during the World Exhibition. The series of events will begin with an international dog show, followed by three fairs: one about hunting, fishing and equestrian sports; one about agricultural production; and one about the opportunities offered by innovation.

Pavilion C: This will be the venue for international conferences, and a series of international scientific and professional events concerned with nature conservation and hunting. This pavilion will also accommodate a cinema.

“During the event we will host a number of important international conferences, including the General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC), the congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, a meeting of the Wildlife Forum and a meeting of the Parties to the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement. In addition, we will be the chief organisers of the conference to be held under the working title International Hunting Conference, which will introduce the permanence, sustainability and utility of hunting based on its ancient traditions. Our excellent speakers will explore a variety of issues from a practical point of view, based on many decades of research and professional experience.” – Péter Göbölös, curator of the conferences

Pavilion D: This pavilion will house an exhibition with a special visual atmosphere introducing Hungary’s freshwater habitats.

“In addition to hunting, fishing was among our people’s most ancient occupations, and after we settled here, our expertise in this field broadened significantly. In this pavilion, dioramas of Hungary’s characteristic extensive freshwater habitats and their rich flora and fauna will focus visitors’ attention on the natural treasures that surround us to this day. We are planning to create an exhibition atmosphere with few words, but with many thoughts and emotions to create a strong impression on visitors and send to everyone a message which stresses the importance of preserving our natural treasures in the interest of our future through getting to know our past and, at the eleventh hour, actively shaping an environmentally aware mentality.” – Olivér Kóródy, curator of the freshwater habitats and nature conservation pavilion

Pavilion F: This will be the venue for an exhibition introducing traditional hunting methods. The topics will be coursing, falconry, archery and muzzleloader hunting. Presentation of the relationship between horses and hunting will also take centre stage. There will be continuous heritage displays outside the pavilion.

“Coursing, falconry, archery and muzzleloader hunting are considered traditional hunting methods. We will dedicate around 70 per cent of our pavilion to introducing these four areas of hunting. The remaining part of the pavilion will be dedicated to the relationship between horses and hunting, while visitors will also be able to experience interactive and entertainment elements. The four methods have much more in common than one would think at first. The most important is a common mentality: the centrality of the challenge, the experience and the adventure that stem from the limits of older hunting methods and equipment, as well as from the relationship between hunter and game. For lovers of these four hunting methods, quality must always take priority over quantity.” – Dr. Balázs Németh, curator of the pavilion of traditional hunting methods

Pavilion G: The Hungarian and international trophy exhibition is expected to be extremely popular. In addition to the best Hungarian trophies, especially valuable and rare pieces from around the world will also be on display. We can look forward to some world records! The European Taxidermy Championships will also be held here, showcasing spectacular exhibits.

“We will no doubt be spoilt for choice. Introducing the most outstanding trophies from the Carpathian Basin and the wider world, including world record-breaking examples, will be a fantastic task. We are planning an exhibition where we will present the animals in dioramas showcasing their original habitats, thereby presenting diversity and biodiversity – and game management as a means for sustaining it.” – Róbert Pálinkás, curator of the pavilion introducing Hungarian and international trophies

Pavilion H: The venue for the central Hungarian exhibition. This multilingual exhibition will guide visitors through a tour of one thousand years in the Carpathian Basin, demonstrating that, through occupations closely linked to Nature, the Hungarian people’s history is one with Nature.

“The underlying concept of the exhibition is to convincingly demonstrate that hunting culture – based on respect for Nature – is an integral and exciting part of Hungary’s rich history of a thousand years. This is the central tenet of the exhibition. Acting as the most important defenders of our game stock, hunters in Hungary have always done a great deal for the preservation of our natural treasures. This historical exhibition will present a region, a typical game species and an important person from every century of the last one thousand years. Interesting stories will form an important part of the introduction of each period, while visitors will gain a comprehensive insight into the changes in the climate of the Carpathian Basin, and the development of the game stock and game management – which has not been independent of those changes.” – Gábor Gulyás, curator of the central Hungarian exhibition

“I believe in synergies, in cooperation, and I adopt an openly managerial approach to the task in hand. What is important, therefore, is not only my ideas; it is equally important to identify and approach the right partners, the right institutions. Without listing them all, let me just mention a few: the Opera House, the Palace of Arts (MÜPA), the Museum of Applied Arts, the Museum of Agriculture and the Uránia National Cinema. It will be very important to provide entertainment for the whole family at HUNGEXPO, with surprising and spectacular street theatre productions and mini concerts. Every weekend we will focus on different themes: in addition to a festival of world music, Hungarian specialities and equestrian programmes will also play a prominent role in this high-quality, inspiring series of cultural events across the whole of Budapest – and, we hope, the whole country.” – Curator György Lőrinczy

Source One with Nature


Vadászat a Sasér Vadásztársaságnál

Dócon társas apróvad-vadászatot szerveztek



Juhász György, Csongrád-Csanád vármegyében társasapróvad-vadászaton vett részt Dócon, a Sasér Vadásztárssaság területén. Élményeiről beszámolt lapunknak:

Fotó: Juhász György – Sasér Vadásztársaság

Tegnap is korán keltem. Háromszáz km autózás és jön a várva várt, gazdag terítékű apróvadvadászat az Alföldön. Harmadszor dolgozott hajtáson a 20/70- es Beretta (köszi Ádám). Nagyon nagy élmény volt meghívottnak lenni, egy virtigli aprovadas területen, amikor a tölgyerdőben szinte folyamatosan dörögnek a puskák. Az erdei nyúlhajtás is újdonság volt nekem. Annak a szerepe, hogy az időnként megálló hajtólánc, szinte varázsszóra kiugrasztja a tapsifüleseket lapulási stratégiájukból. Sajnos a lőkészségem további fejlesztésre szorul, jóval több volt a hibázásom az elfogadható szintnél 😞 .

Fotó: Juhász György – Sasér Vadásztársaság

Érdekes módon, a találataim mind egyszerre lövések voltak, és a vendéglátók abban a pillanatban nekem adták sikert (erős kétségek mardossák az önbizalmamat). Két erdei nyúlhajtás volt és négy, jól repülő, előnevelt fácánhajtás a nádas, zsombékos területeken. Itt is volt esélyem, de sikerem nem. Az élményeket és a hangulatomat tovább fokozta, a rendkívüli vendégszeretettel párosuló kiszolgálás, bőséges reggeli a három órás autózás után és a négyfogásos ebéd a megfáradt vadászoknak. Az ebéd után, az emelkedett hangulat tetőpontján, Ördögh sógor munkába fogott tangóharmonikája és az együtténekelt dalok, felejthetetlen élménnyel gazdagítottak.

Fotó: Juhász György – Sasér Vadásztársaság

Igazán a Doberdói csatatér megéneklése párásította be a szememet, mivel Buress Vencel dédapám ott nyugszik a Nagy Háború hőseként.

Írta és fényképezte: Juhász György

Vadászni szeretne Dócon, a Sasér Vadásztársaság területén?

Keresse bizalommal Kovács Krisztiánt!

Tel: +36 30 425 5808



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A türelem vadkant terem

Németh Géza vaddisznóra vadászott Iván határában:



Németh Géza, 2024 november elején, egyéni vaddisznó vadászaton vett részt a Győr-Moson-Sopron vármegye déli részén található, Iván település határában, amely 28 kilométerre fekszik északra, Sárvártól.

Németh Géza osztotta meg élményeit lapunkkal:

Fotó: Németh Géza – Agro Jager News

Este nagyjából tíz órakor megérkezett egy körülbelül 20 egyedből álló konda a területre. Éreztem, hogy várni kell, a búgás idején pedig főleg. Sejtésem beigazolódott, öt percel később láttam ám a fák között, hogy jön utánuk egy nagy testű kan. Gyors bírálat után egy jó blattlövéssel sikerült terítékre hoznom. Húsz métert tett még meg, aztán végleg az örök vadászmezőkre távozott.
Súlya 102 kg, kora 4 éves.

Tisztelet és Békesség a Vadnak!

Írta és fényképezte: Németh Géza


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Fotó: Sonkoly Ádám hivatásos vadász – Agro Jager News

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Fotó: OMVK

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Fotó: OMVK

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Fotó: Pokol Gergely – Agro Jager News

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Fotó: Új Barázda Vadásztársaság – Agro Jager News

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Fotó: OMVK

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Fotó: Börzsönyi Zrínyi Vadásztársaság – Agro Jager News


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